Vaser Liposuction: Your Number 1 Solution to Bid Adieu to Fat

Vaser Liposuction medical cosmetics

You may have worked out extensively over quite a bit of time to lose weight and have gained satisfactory results. But, no matter what you do, getting rid of the excess fat, especially in the abdomen region can become a massive headache. Dieticians may tell you to avoid sugar and carbs, consume protein, eat fibre, and most importantly, exercise.

However, all of these may deliver little to no result. Hence, go for a viable solution – Vaser Liposuctions Nottingham.

A Brief History Of Liposuction

In 1974, Italian doctors Arpad and Giorgio Fischer innovated the blunt cannula technique which the modern form of liposuction is based on.

Later in 1985, California-based dermatologist Jeffrey A. Klein developed the tumescent technique for liposuction which utilised local anaesthesia. Previously, doctors used general anaesthesia to perform this surgery.

Vaser Liposuction

Sound Surgical Technologies introduced Vaser (Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy) liposuction in the medical field back in 2001. The technique uses ultrasound technology to break the fat cells using ultrasonic frequency. After breaking down, the fat is removed with the help of a suction process.

Vaser liposuction is considered the safest and most effective forms of all liposuction. Thus, you can go for Vaser liposuctions if you want to get rid of that excess body fat quickly and easily.

Still not convinced? Read on to know more.

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons published in their official journal – the Plastic and Re-constructive Surgery Journal. It said that Vaser liposuction is clinically proven and safe and effective.

The research, led by a team from the Stanford University, compared Vaser liposuction to 14 other conventional forms of liposuction. The team inferred that this technique can not only remove fat; but, it can also provide sterile fat that can be used to enhance other body parts like the breasts, buttocks, and face.

Researchers also found that Vaser liposuction can also reduce the chances of blood loss, decrease trauma, and also deliver exceptional skin contraction.

Vaser Liposuction Vs Tumescent Liposuction

Vaser liposuction involves the following 3 steps:

Step 1. Dermatologists inject a tumescent solution into the respective areas.

Step 2. A thin ultrasound probe inserted back and forth into the areas break down the fat. Hence, it becomes considerably easy to remove them.

Step 3. A standard liposuction cannula is used to remove the fat.

Vaser liposuction can liquefy the fat more effectively as compared to other techniques. You can go for Vaser liposuctions especially if you suffer from Gynecomastia (enlargement of male breasts).

Tumescent liposuction involves 2 steps – injection of tumescent solution and removal of fat with a standard liposuction cannula.

As tumescent liposuction does not involve any ultrasound, it may not provide satisfactory results in some cases.

Hence, go for Vaser liposuction and bid adieu to all those excess fat in your abdomen, buttocks, and other areas.

Do remember these following tips after the procedure:

Tip 1. Wear the compression garment supplied by the clinic as per recommendations.

Tip 2. Drink ample amounts of water.

Tip 3. Add high fibre food to your diet.

Tip 4. Make sure to exercise regularly.

Tip 5. Refrain from smoking and consuming alcohol.

Companies like Medical Cosmetics can provide you with Vaser liposuction. They also provide other services like 3D Lipomed treatment, mesotherapy, Lip Fillers in Nottingham, etc.

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